Magos tanchaz and concert

We are inviting you to a fantastic folk evening! 
Magos Band comes along with Borbála Fekete singer from Hungary.

First visit in the UK.

8th February 2020
Chiswick Catholic Centre 
London W4 2AE

17:00 doors open for guest waiting

18:00 concert

19:00 tanchaz dance party

23:00 tanchaz is finishing

Magos Band

The Magos Folk Band from Budapest is a band playing authentic Hungarian folk music, first of all tunes from Transylvania (Kalotaszeg, Mezőség, Székelyföld) and present day Hungary (Szatmár, Dunántúl). It was founded in March 2008, the recent line-up, however, was formed in the summer of 2017.

Borbála Fekete

Borbála is a Hungarian folk singer. 
The fact that her parents had taken her to folk music gathering trips and dance houses since she was a child is perhaps the most important thing they have given her. Bori has learned not only beautiful songs from informants, but also decisive life philosophies. She is now studying folk singing at the Music Academy. Everything is on stage, but it is just as important that you pass on to the disciples the knowledge that you yourself have received as a gift.

Magos Band in London