How was the
10th anniversary spectacular show?
Celebrating 10 years of Hunique Dancea at Shaw Theatre!
See videos from the Anniversary Show
About the Anniversary Show

‘Lads and ladies spin around, see Hunique’s stars dance tonight’ Hunique Dance Ensemble, a London based Hungarian folk dance group, is celebrating it’s 10th anniversary on 16 November 2019 with a spectacular theatre performance at Shaw Theatre in Central London.

Mazury Polish Dance Company
The 70 years old Mazury group is an old friend of Hunique. They were happy to take part of the anniversary show as a special, polish folk dance group.

Csillagszeműek Anglia
Hungarian dance ensemble. Members of the group are mainly youngs and children. They take part of Hunique's anniversary show with co-operated dances and with a single performance as well.

Folktone Band
During the night the UK based folk band play the live music on the show.
About Hunique
Living in a foreign country makes especially important to be part of a community that cherishes our traditions and celebrates common roots. In London, Hunique Dance Ensemble has been playing a significant role not only with its existence as a folk-dance group but with all the colourful programs organised since the foundation years, addressing all ages and backgrounds.
Hunique Dance was founded in 2008/2009 by some good friends for their own entertainment. Ever since our aim is to enable Hungarian people in London to practice and celebrate their cultural identity and share our values and colourful traditions with all the other nations living here. In the past 10 years we’ve been organically growing, stretching our comfort zone, widening the list of activities and step by step introducing Hunique to a greater community in the UK.
The active membership, that counts about 70 people, is attending rehearsals three times a week on a beginner, intermediate and on an advanced level.